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Electrodeionization (EDI) E-Cell MK-7 Stack

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Product Description

Deskripsi Produk:
CAA is Distributor for E-Cell MK-7 Stack in Indonesia. As part of E-Cell electrodeionization product line, MK-7 Stack is designed to utilize electricity to produce ultra-pure water essential for semiconductor fabrication, power generation, solar panel production, and many other heavy industries. It could produce high-quality water while minimizing energy consumption. The counter-current operations reduce cleaning maintenance needs even with hard feed water. Guaranteed with standard 3-years prorated warranty.

Typical New-Build Applications:

  • Boiler and turbine feed water for steam generation or NOx control for power and general industry
  • Rinse water for painting

MK-7 Stack Specifications:

  • Nominal Flow: 7.0 m³/h (31 gpm)
  • Flow Rate Range: 4.2 - 7.8 m³/h (18 - 34 gpm)
  • Weight: 165 kg
  • Dimensions: 30 cm x 61 cm x 74 cm

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Kawasan Pergudangan Daan Mogot Arcadia, Jl. Daan Mogot KM 21 Blok G18 No 1-2-3, RT.005/RW.003, Batuceper, Kec. Batuceper, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15122

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